Publications and Presentations at National Conferences
The 2 NIOSH resources that formed the basis of the poster are:
1. Occupational Sentinel Health Events (SHE[O]): An Up-Dated List for Physician Recognition and Public Health Surveillance in 1991. (284 references cited). Am J Ind Med 19: 775-799 (1991) Co-author.
The above "Occupational Sentinel Health Events (SHE[O])" article was sent by CDC/NIOSH to Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) of the World Health Organization (WHO) for translation into Spanish:
Eventos Centinela en Salud Ocupational (Traducción) published by:
Centro Panamericano de Ecología Humana y Salud
The above "Occupational Sentinel Health Events (SHE[O])" article was also translated into Chinese by the help of a Medical Intern from Taiwan and published in the Taiwan Medical Journal, Volume 36, 876-883, 1993 (without citing the 284 references).
A few of my bosses including the Branch Chief mentioned that this article along with the Spanish & Chinese translations have reached almost 75% of the world literate population.
2. Medical Screening and Biological Monitoring. A Guide to the Literature for Physicians published in 1997. (32 references cited) Co-author.
Other publications while at CDC/NIOSH:
Books and Articles in Journals (National and International)
1. "Patty’s Toxicology" 5th Ed., Eula Bingham, Former Director of OSHA, Vol 2. Chapter 35: 677-745. 2001. Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium. First author. Received Special Cash Award & Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
2. "National Safety Council’s Occupational Health and Safety". 3rd Ed. Growth of Occupational Health. 2000. pp 3-24. Sole author. Was given recognition by Jerry Scannell, President and CEO, National Safety Council (NSC) in his Foreword: in revising this book along with the other two editors. Received Complimentary Book and Cash Award from CDC/NIOSH.
3. "National Safety Council’s Occupational Health and Safety". 2nd Ed. 1994. Introduction. pp 3-16. Sole author. Received Complimentary Book (from NSC) and Cash Award from CDC/NIOSH.
4. "National Safety Council’s Occupational Health and Safety". 1st Ed. 1986. Assisted in writing up the introductory Chapter on Occupational Health for our new Branch Chief, William E. Halperin, MD, MPH. Received Special Cash Award & Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
5. Chemiekaarten – Gegevens voor veilig werken met chemicalien.14th ED. 1999. (Chemical Dictionary in Danish) – Assisted the Danish representative to World Health Organization (WHO) in providing information requested on various chemicals. Received Complimentary Book (in Danish) and Cash Award & Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
6. Preventive Strategies for Living in a Chemical World. A Symposium in honor of Irving J. Selikoff. Eds. Eula Bingham & David P. Rall. Ann NY Acad Sci vol 837, 1997. "Two NIOSH Resources for Implementing Workplace Safety and Health Surveillance". pp 319-352. Sole Author. This volume is a result of a Symposium in honor of Irving J. Selikoff, sponsored by the Collegium Ramazzini, held in Wash, DC. Nov 2-5, 1995. Received Special Cash Award & Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
7. "Computer Readable Data from NIOSH". Seminars in Dermatology. Vol 8 pp 70-71, 1989. Sole author. Received Cash Award and Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
8. Occupational Medicine. Principles & Practical Applications. 2nd Ed. 1988. pp 1008-1011. "Occupational Health Aspects of Plastics, Rubber Manufacturing & Related Materials". Toluene – co-author. Received personal note and Complimentary Book from Editor Carl Zenz, and Cash Award and Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
9. "Mortality of Chrome Leather Tannery Workers and Chemical Exposures in Tanneries". Scan J. Work Environ Health 13, 1987. Pp 108-117. Co-author. Received Cash Award and Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
10. Notification and Risk Assessment for Bladder Cancer of a Cohort Exposed to Aromatic Amines. 111. "Mortality among Workers Exposed to Aromatic Amines in the Last Beta-Naphthylamine Manufacturing Facility in the United States". J Occup Med Vol 27/7, 495-500, 1985. Co-author. Received Cash Award and Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
11. "NIOSH – Criteria for a Recommended Standard …. Occupational Exposure to Dioxane". US Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare. Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1977. Sole Author. Received Cash Award and Recognition from CDC/NIOSH.
12. Following the 9/11 episode when two planes crashed into NY World Trade Center Towers, the World Health Body of WHO compiled 500 chemicals, which, in of themselves or in combination with other chemicals could form a Bomb. Of all the scientists in the world, I was asked to provide the physical and chemical aspects of each of the chemicals, and health and safety data of each chemical listed. An “On the Spot” and Special Award was given to me by CDC/NIOSH on behalf of WHO.
Manuscripts and Publications at Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1970-1975: Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Univ Of Cincinnati. Dept. of Pediatrics. Manuscripts and Abstracts
Conducted research to study variants of phenylketonuria (PKU) observed in newborn children. Detected presence of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase enzyme in kidney of rat and mouse hitherto seen only in liver by other researchers. Also checked for presence of same enzyme in human and sub-human primates (monkey, baboon, chimpanzee, RH-monkey, etc.). Performed Inhibition Studies on Phenylalanine Hydroxylase enzyme.
Also taught Biochemistry to medical students at Univ of Cincinnati Medical School.
1. "Inhibition of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Activity by alpha-Methyl Tyrosine, a potent inhibitor of Tyrosine Hydroxylase". Life Sciences:17: 1777-1784, 1975. Sole author.
2. "Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Activity in Liver from Humans and Subhuman Primates; its probable absence in Kidney". Biochem Medicine 12: 392-397, 1975. Sole author.
3. "Development of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Activity in Rat Kidney". Arch Biochem Biophys 163: 225-230, 1974. Sole author.
1969-1970: Shriner's Burn Institute and Univ. of Cincinnati - Asst. Professor
Conducted research to obtain Active Rejection of Dog Kidney Transplant.
"Studied the release of substances formed as Immune complexes following the kidney transplant". Accredited at National FASEB meeting, also in newspapers around the world. April 10, 1970. Sole author.
"Specifically studied platelet aggregation on venous blood plasma following kidney transplant using normal platelet-rich plasma".
Manuscript written but Shriner’s Hospital suddenly cancelled many recent hires and I was one of them. (Manuscript: "Platelet Aggregation Studies following Rat Kidney Transplant").
1968-1969: Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Ohio; Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, with Grants from the American Cancer Society and the National Institute of Health.
"Perfected methods to obtain active species of Cross-linked lysozyme". Used Spectro-polarimetry (for ORD/CD data); NMR Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, UV Spectrometry, etc. Presented Abstract at Am Chem Soc Meeting.
1963-1968: Graduate Student at University of Cincinnati, OH with Fellowship from American Cancer Society and National Institute of Health.
"Studied the nature of cross-linking of egg-white lysozyme using 1-Naphthol-2,4,-disulfonyl chloride". Delivered lectures on Biochemistry to Graduate students in the absence of advisor/professor because of my previous teaching experience. Presented Abstracts every year at the ACS Meetings.
At University of Bombay and University of Mysore, India
1956-1963: Head of the Dept. of Chemistry (1956-57) and Asst. Prof. of Chemistry in University of Bombay (1955-56) and University of Mysore, India; and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (1957 - for 6 months)
1. 1955-56: Asst. Prof. of Chemistry, Univ. of Bombay.
Was in charge of laboratory classes for all 4 levels of undergraduate students: 145-150 students.
2. 1956-57: Head of the Dept. of Chemistry, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, Univ. of Mysore. Taught all Branches of Chemistry – Organic, Physical, Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry to all 4 levels of undergraduate class, both lecture and laboratory – 45-50 students in each class.
Also, developed a full-fledged laboratory as there was none in Mount Carmel College, Bangalore and obtained accreditation to the college for future Practical Examinations.
3. 1957 for 6 months: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Conducted research to obtain a better quality of silk by treatment of mulberry leaves (that silkworms ate) with zinc compounds.
4. 1957-63: University of Mysore: Govt. Eng. College; Medical College: Undergraduate Colleges.
Taught all Branches of Chemistry – Organic, Physical, Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry to all 4 levels of undergraduate class, both lecture and laboratory – 45-50 students in each class.
While a graduate student at the University of Bombay, published two articles in the College Magazine:
a. "The Oil Refineries – A Boon to Mankind" (1954). Sole author.
b. "Rayon, the Wonderful Man-made Fiber" (1955). Sole author.
Other Info.
"The Hazards of Smoking" was presented to students while at High School (1953). Sole Author.
At 7 years of age, recited in full, the poem “Casablanca" in auditorium of 300-350 teachers and parents which was acclaimed in the school meeting.