Leela Murthy, MSc., PhD.
My name is Dr. Leela Murthy. I am the author of the Poster and information provided on this website. Below is my experience in teaching and in conducting research.
Teaching and Research Experience
Other Experience
University of Bombay, India
University of Bombay, India
University of Cincinnati. USA
University of Bombay, India
University of Mysore, India
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
University of Cincinnati, USA
Shriner's Burn Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Children's Hospital Research Foundation;
University of Cincinnati, USA
Other Activities
Retirement, USA
1953: BSc. in Chemistry with Zoology as Minor.
1955: MSc. in Organic Chemistry with Synthetic Drugs and Synthetic Dyes as Minor
1968: PhD. in Bio-Organic Chemistry: The Cross-Linking of Egg-White Lysozyme with 1-Naphthol-2-4-Disulfonyl Chloride to determine the complete structure of the Lysozyme enzyme.
While a college student, I was a Substitute Teacher at St. Joseph's School teaching English, Science, Math, History, Geography, etc. to 3rd through 6th graders.
Topped the list of candidates in the Practical Examination and second overall and was hired by the University as Assistant Professor
Taught Chemistry to Undergraduate students for over 9 years in various colleges in the State of Mysore. Was Head of the Department of Chemistry at Mount Carmel College and taught all Branches of Chemistry - Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, etc. Also set up the Chemistry Laboratory to obtain accreditation from the University.
Taught Chemistry in Engineering College, in Medical College, as well as in other undergraduate colleges.
Gained six months research experience in improving the quality of silk, using silkworms, at the Institute of Science; this was quite interesting as I had to spray the mulberry leaves with various chemicals. Result: to improve quality of silk.
Received a telegram from the University of Cincinnati, USA, in September 1963 offering me a Fellowship from the American Cancer Society and the National Institutes of Health for my PhD. in Bio-Organic Chemistry. After completing my coursework and passing French and German language examinations, I continued my research for my PhD., and at the same time was appointed Research Assistant Professor of the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, to teach Biochemistry to graduate students and to medical students.
After receiving my PhD., I received a Grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct research in Kidney Transplant Rejection Studies at the Shriner's Burn Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio. My presentation on Kidney Transplant Rejection studies in April, 1970, was acclaimed as the best research of the Conference at the National Conference; the Abstract was sent to all major newspapers worldwide, including a translation of my work into the vernacular language, Kannada, as my grandmother used to read the newspaper in Kannada.
Received Grants to conduct research at the Children's Hospital Research Foundation for five years in Mental Retardation Studies, specifically Phenylketonuria (PKU). I published articles on the subject. I also taught Biochemistry to Intern Medical graduates at the University of Cincinnati Medical School.
In 1975, I was hired by the Federal Government -- Center for Disease Control and Research, specifically at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC / NIOSH). As a Criteria Manager, I wrote Criteria Documents on Hazardous Substances used in the Industrial Sector. Also reviewed Documents from within NIOSH; conducted Surveys in various industries upon their request for assistance to help resolve the cause of illnesses / diseases that the workers were experiencing in their workplace.
During the AIDS Crisis in 1980, I mapped the first 4 cases of AIDS in the USA.
During my 30 years of service at CDC/NIOSH, I published many articles in Journals and Books, including the revision of articles from foreign scientists to adhere to our American style of writing in Medical Journals. I also gave numerous presentations at various Conferences. One presentation entitled "Two NIOSH Resources for Implementing Workplace Safety and Health Surveillance" was very highly acclaimed and I was asked to present it to new Medical graduates who were starting their internship at various Medical colleges including Harvard, Wright State University, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, etc., every two years.
One of my NIOSH publications was entitled “Occupational Sentinel Health Events: An Up-Dated List for Physician Recognition and Public Health Surveillance.” This article was translated into Spanish by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO); it was also translated by me into Chinese with the help of a medical Intern from Taiwan, and published in the Taiwan Medical Journal. A few of my bosses mentioned that this article published in English, Spanish and Chinese, has captured almost 75% of the literate population in the world.
The above two publications formed the basis of future presentations in the USA, as well as around the world in the years to come.
The next NIOSH publication "Medical Screening and Biological Monitoring: A Guide to the Literature for Physicians" was published in 1995.
The highlight of my career in the Federal Government was the creation of the Specific Medical Tests Poster entitled: “Specific Medical Tests and Examinations Published in the Literature for OSHA-Regulated Substances.” More than 20,000 requests were received; each time I updated this Medical Tests Poster, again the requests were received and also in 2005, when I retired following the final update of the Medical Tests Poster.
My presentation entitled "Two NIOSH Resources for Implementing Workplace Safety and Health Surveillance" was given at the Symposium in honor of Irving J. Selikoff, and sponsored by the Collegium Ramazzini in Washington, D.C., in November, 1995, which was chaired by the then NIOSH Director, Dr. Linda Rosenstock. She was not aware of my work and later complimented me on a job well done.
During my tenure at NIOSH, I was the only delegate from the USA appointed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop "Safety Cards of Hazardous Chemical Substances" for the WHO. I had the unique opportunity to discuss with delegates from other countries, and also gave presentations of my work in countries like Finland, England, the Netherlands, and some states in India.
A delegate from the Netherlands requested my help in providing Health and Safety information in detail for certain chemicals for his Book in Dutch called "Chemikaarten", 14th Edition, 1995. This book is similar to "NIOSH's Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards", wherein I have provided a lot of information over the years to the Pocket Guide, and I was also nominated for a NIOSH Award in 2005, the year I retired.
In June, 2005, the year I retired, I received a letter dated June 22, 2005, from Dr. John Howard, the Director of NIOSH, who wrote: "Dear Leela, Congratulations on your nomination for the 2005 Charles C. Shepard Science Award for an Outstanding Scientific Contribution to Public Health. Your contribution to the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards has helped to make this publication a vital source of general chemical hazard and control information for workers, employers and occupational safety and health professionals. The magnitude of the contribution made by the Pocket Guide is made evident by the fact it remains the Government Printing office's best-selling workplace safety and health publication. Nomination for this prestigious award recognizes your outstanding contribution to occupational safety and health, as well as your dedication and commitment to the NIOSH mission. I am confident that the Pocket Guide significantly improves our ability to protect America's workforce. Thank you for your excellent work."
Another letter, this time from the CDC Director, citing my accomplishments of the "Specific Medical Tests of Examinations Published in the Literature for OSHA Regulated Substances" that has greatly benefitted occupational physicians and general practitioners confronting occupational diseases in their practice. In addition, the CDC Director cited my collaboration in developing "International Chemical Safety Cards" for WHO program as well as assisting OSHA in developing "Material Safety Data Information Sheets", and in my efforts on behalf of the CDC Bioterrorism program, is an example to all CDC employees.
My involvement with other NIOSH professionals, specifically epidemiologists, and our publications can be seen in the Resources Section of this website.
In addition to presentations and publications, I have taken numerous Training Courses at CDC/NIOSH on subjects ranging from Industrial Hygiene Measurements; Industrial Ventilation; Safety in the Workplace; Occupational Health, Occupational Medicine, etc.
Also took a Spanish Course and had the opportunity to give talks to the class.
One talk was on taking a vacation to 3 Hawaiian Islands.
Another talk: acting as an air hostess and providing Safety instructions to passengers on an airplane including the use of seat belts and oxygen masks when needed, and following the necessary evacuation procedures.
Was Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Counselor and later EEO Council Member.
Was Mentor in the Pilot Plan of CDC.
Actively involved & gave presentations on Religions of India; Changing Role of Women in India, etc. to Church Groups; Theosophical Society; Women’s Club; Young Teens in High Schools, etc.
Was a Judge in Polling Booths during Elections
Delivered Lectures on Occupational Safety and Health at various institutions both within and outside the USA.
As a student at St. Joseph's School, my sister and I both bagged the prizes at our Annual Awards Meeting in our respective classes for 3 consecutive years for Catechism, the Holy Bible and Singing Hymns. After giving away our prizes, the Principal, Father Fernandes, said, "You Catholic students, these two Hindu students have taken all the prizes for Catechism, Bible & Hymns; does that not tell you all something?"
In addition, I participated in school concerts and "One Act Plays" with fellow students.
At the age of 14, gave a musical performance along with an older sister at the Karnatak Association in a suburb of Bombay, India. We were accompanied by another sister playing the Veena and our Music teacher playing the violin.
Later, while studying at college and working as a Substitute Teacher at the same St. Joseph's School referenced above, I participated in the Christmas pageants during 'Midnight Mass' - one year as Blessed Virgin Mary and another year as one of the Shepherds. As the school would throw away the Christmas tree after the December 25th school party, I received permission from the Principal to take the tree to our back yard and arranged a Christmas party with gifts for the kids in the neighborhood for just 50 cents a child. We sang Christmas songs while running around the Christmas tree and then I helped them take their gifts from the tree - from dolls to cars, etc.
Sports Activities: I was an avid Sports fan and I participated in sports right from middle school and received prizes; in college, I was a triple crown holder in Table Tennis and Finger Billiards (Carrom) one year.
I also participated in 'Students vs. Professors' games while teaching in the University of Mysore: in Vijaya College, won the prize for shooting the Basketball into the Net on behalf of the Professors, and in Government Engg. College, played Table Tennis with other Professors during leisure time; also played cricket in 'Students vs. Professors' and hit the ball that resulted in a run and won the game for the Professors.
I also played Tennis with my husband every Saturday and also taught our young 3-year-old son to play Tennis. When he was six years old and we went to India during summer, all 3 of us took our tennis rackets; this was 1977 when Customs Officers charged for any item brought from outside India. The Customs officer asked us why we had 3 tennis rackets; immediately our 6-year-old quipped, touching his racket: "This is my racket, and I am going to play tennis with my Uncle Raj who is the All-India Tennis Coach." The Customs officer was amused to hear my son tell him what he wanted to hear and said, "No more questions; the young boy has answered my question." He smiled and let us go without charging any Customs' fees.
Even in my retirement years, I have kept active and taken walks with my dear husband, 4 miles in the morning and again the same route in the evening. After moving to our new house with our son, we continued our walks though they were much shorter. Our neighbors played cricket on Friday and Saturday evenings on our street. One day I made my husband sit in a chair nearby and asked the batsman if I could take a whack with his bat. He handed it to me, but they were playing with a badminton racket and using a tennis ball. I asked and was given a regular cricket bat and a cricket ball. The bowler, my next-door neighbor, was scared to hurt me since (1) I was a woman and (2) I was 85 years old, and so bowled way away from the wicket. I asked him to bowl where my wicket was, right behind me. He bowled and I hit a "square cut" just like the Captain of the Bombay Cricket team used to do. They all applauded and said that I should join their league. I thanked them for giving me the opportunity to bat just once more and continued my walk with my husband. The following week I gave the autographed picture of the Captain of the Bombay Cricket team to my neighbor who said he would cherish it like I did, all these years.
Following retirement, I translated the English Poster and all of the Files related to it, into Spanish. As of March 2023, I have an updated Specific Medical Tests Poster with data on 257 chemicals, in both English and Spanish, which can be purchased from my website. In addition, I have included a “Sample” Poster with all the various parameters but with data on only a few chemicals, to depict the type of information I have included in the updated Poster which is for sale. This “Sample” Poster is placed on my website along with 3 Files complete with data for viewer inspection, free of charge. The complete Specific Medical Tests Poster and the 257 Data Files are placed on the Data Access on Google Drive and can be purchased, details of which can be seen in the Membership and Data Access on Google Drive Section.